Friday, June 24, 2011

Xtream Chefz at Girls Camp!!!

If you are going to girls camp you are in luck! The XTREAM CHEFZ ARE GOING TO GRLS CAMP!!! We are going to have xtream snacks and if you would like to have some be sure to find us during freetime! We also are cooking up a speical suprise but we arent telling till later.
                                                                  the Xtream Chefz

Saturday, June 4, 2011

This past weekend we made some cookies.We called them the evertyhing cookiesand they were totally made up!We had some people test them and then rate them most people thought they were pretty good......untill they found uot what was in them!!! Some of the extream ingreidents were almonds fruitsnacks oreos sessemy seads animal crackers nesly choclate milk mix choclate eggs ect!!! they were good but crazy!

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hey guys this is Madi and i am one of the extream chefz:) We have made some videos and hope to post them soon. We hope you enjoy the world of extream cooking!

<3  Madi

My name is Leah and i am the other XTREAM CHEF! Today we made XTREAM CHEFZ Everything Cookys, consisting of 14 extreme ingredients. They are... interesting. We have also previously made Bacon-Bit Oatmeal Cookies, which were very unpopular, with the exception of one bacon-bit loving person (cough cough Naomi). We will post our XTREAM CHEFZ Everything Cookys as soon as possible!